Generally— Yes, it’s smart to hire an interior designer before you remodeling your church.
A church renovation is a big and potentially costly commitment. Your facilities will have a big impact on whether people attend your church and use your services. So, when renovating your church, it’s important to get things right. By hiring an interior designer before you start your remodel, you’ll enjoy expert advice and can leverage advanced tools to make sure everything will turn out the way you want.
An interior designer can help you design a world-class interior that will be both eye-pleasing and comfortable. Just as importantly, professional interior church designers can make sure everything is right before you start construction.
The best interior designers use 3-D rendering services that will allow you to see what your church or other facility will look like before you start work. This way, you can make sure that everything is just the way you want it.
Quite frankly, some redesigns sound better on paper than they look in real life. Even if you go in with the best intentions, your church redesign might not pan out. By using 3-D rendering first, you’ll be able to see what your facilities will look like after the renovation but before you begin construction.
You can think of 3-D rendering services as a dressing room for your church. You can try different things out, such as the colors for your sanctuary. What type of flooring will look best? How about the windows and pews?
Each decision is a big decision. Once you redo your floor or pews, it’ll be very expensive to redo them again. So, if you don’t like the outcome, you’re probably stuck with the results anyway. It might be several years before you can afford to remodel your sanctuary and other facilities again.
That’s why it’s best to know what you’re getting into with the remodel. With 3-D rendering, we can help you understand what your church looks like. We will take images of your sanctuary and other facilities, and then create a variety of options for different colors, pews, floors, and more.
This way, you’ll know what the remodel will look like before you tear your old facilities up and begin remodeling. These images will also help construction crews understand the project and may even speed construction up.
3-D rendering typically costs $2,500 to $5,000 per project. While this is an investment, it can help you save costs by ensuring that you’ll be satisfied with the outcomes.
Interior designers can help you craft distinctive spaces. People want churches that are eye catching, pleasant, comfortable, and more. People won’t want to worship in an uncomfortable or unattractive space. A professional interior designer will know how to build comfortable and distinctive interiors, including your sanctuary.
Styles change over the year. Interior designers keep up to date on the latest trends. So, when you hire a professional, you can be confident that your remodeled space will be modern and fit with the times. This could help you attract more patrons.
Professional church designers can also offer tips for keeping costs down, choosing the right materials, and otherwise ensuring that your remodeling project is a success. Some materials, for example, will last longer than others.
An church interior designer can also answer your questions and address your concerns. A church remodel is a major investment of time and money, so it’s best to work alongside professionals who can ensure that it is a success.